Spanish-Norman Horse Registry, Inc., P.O. Box 985, Woodbury, CT 06798

   The Spanish-Norman Horse Registry, Inc. and breed co-founders Linda and Allan Hamid are please to announce the release of a DVD on the Spanish-Norman Horse!

This educational and entertaining 10 minute DVD offers a comprehensive view of the Spanish-Norman breed, the genetic and historical re-creation of the medieval knight's charger. It includes the history of the Spanish-Norman horse and characteristics of the rare breed which blends the genes of the Andalusian and the Percheron. 

The DVD showcases breed 'Ambassador' Romantico H.H.F., owned by Hamid Hill Farm, Ltd. and features the distinguished stallion in clips of performances from the 1999 Quarter Horse Congress Open Freestyle Reining, Columbus, Ohio; the United States Equestrian Team 2000 'Festival of Champions,' Gladstone, New Jersey and BreyerFest 2005, Kentucky Horse Park, Lexington, Kentucky where Breyer honored the Spanish-Norman breed with a special, collector's horse model in porcelain of Romantico H.H.F. in his signature armor. 

Priced at $18.00, this DVD is available exclusively through the Spanish-Norman Horse Registry, Inc. For your convenience we've arranged online payments through PayPal or you may purchase direct from the Spanish-Norman Horse Registry at the address above with a check or money order. 

I want to learn more about the Spanish-Norman Horse. SEND ME A DVD!

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