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Embajador IX 
Embajador XI  |  Romántic H.H.F.


Hamid Hill Farm, Ltd.


     Hamid Hill Farm, Ltd., owned by Allan H. and Linda Osterman Hamid, is a breeding farm for Andalusian and Spanish-Norman horses located in Woodbury, Connecticut.

The Hamid's are the founders of the Spanish-Norman Horse Registry, Inc. and have been instrumental in promoting not only this new breed but also the Andalusian, since establishing their farm with the legendary Andalusian stallion Embajador IX.

Spanish-Norman stallion Romántico H.H.F.


     Hamid Hill Farm, Ltd. is home to Romántico H.H.F. Embajador XI and Bettina Drummond,1997 High Point Award winning Spanish-Norman stallion, as well as his illustrious sire, the internationally known Andalusian stallion Embajador XI.

Allan and Linda both admire the Andalusian horse as a "living symbol of Spanish culture" and are enthusiastic supporters and promoters of the Spanish-Norman breed as well. After research showed that both the horses of Andalusia and Normandy shared an infusion of Barb blood from the Moorish invasions, the Hamid's founded the Spanish-Norman Horse Registry, Inc. in 1991 to record the pedigrees of this unique breed.

Hamid Hill Farm, Ltd. continues to generate interest and win over new devotees to both breeds through the many exhibitions, sponsorships and demonstrations put on by their horses. 


Hamid Hill Farm, Ltd.
Allan and Linda Osterman Hamid  dot.gif (835 bytes)  Woodbury, Connecticut 06798
Voice: (203) 263-3354     Fax: (203) 263-3306

Embajador IX Embajador XI  |  Romántic H.H.F.

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