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Embajador IX 
Embajador XI  |  Romántico H.H.F.


Hamid Hill Farm, Ltd.




Loved and was loved.

Not an incandescent light,
not a comet's tail of tarnished wealth,
full of flash and nothing more.

Just a steady flame whose unseen warmth
found it's life in the sweetness of your face.

Not a child of might,
not a wave of pent up rage,
full of power and nothing else.

Just a loving will whose careful grace
placed each step for pleasure's sake.


All the love in truth birth joy,
it is a wisdom some may know.

When God remands your soul, pure of soil,
into the night each child must go.

The music stopped, my heart has heard it's call,
but in your very nature it finds it's notes, so on it plays.

Little horse to some, great heart to all. The friend is gone, but the loving stays.

- Bettina Drummond to Embajador XI


Classic Andalusian Stallion
1988 - 2000

"The saddest sound in the world is the last heartbeat."


Read More About Embajador XI


Hamid Hill Farm, Ltd.
Allan and Linda Osterman Hamid  dot.gif (835 bytes)  Woodbury, Connecticut 06798
Voice: (203) 263-3354     Fax: (203) 263-3306

Embajador IX Embajador XI  |  Romántico H.H.F.

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